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☄️Creative block workshop☄️ - Sunday March 20th 7pm CET ONLINE

As I am creating my first Tarot deck, I am often told by loved ones and friends how they “wish they could be creative, too”.

creativity is a medicinal portal through which one get to ask themselves: “what is it that I need most, right now? what do i long for, right now?” creativity is the expression of our life force energy, it flows through all living beings. it can be measured in our heart beats, our brain waves, our blood circulation, our breathe photosynthesis. creativity is the difference between life & death. so, as long as you’re breathing, dear selflover, you are creating. you’re the creation, too.

I know some of you might roll their eyes and think: “what I mean is, I’d like to be able to paint, draw, dance, sing, whatever it is”. and i hear that.

creativity, under late stage capitalism, is often reduced to “the arts”. systems of hyper-productivity has taught us (very well) to confine creativity to certain boxes like art, because art, contrary to capitalism, is not consumptive. reducing creativity to art only is therefore an easy way to reduce what is not “productive” to the superficial. it reduces us, too, by keeping us away from our creative life force.

creativity is a way of life infused in everything we do. tending to relationships through time & space even through the sadness and grief a global pandemic has brought upon us, that’s creative. engaging in ceremony & rituals, collective healing, that’s creative. sex & pleasure are creative. making meals for our selves, for our kids, that’s creativity!

while systems of colonisation & domination are consumptive and extractive, creativity teaches us otherwise. it reminds us that, it’s in the process that we find growth & grace. that we are the creation, too. by reframing creativity and recognizing how creative we are, we get to stop putting so much pressure on what we think creativity should look like. we just let ourselves be.

we are the progress. we are human beings, deeply flawed & fragile meaning makers, constantly evolving.

Next Sunday, 7pm CET, I will be hosting a creative block workshop. In this hypnosis-poetic trance, you will be guided to meet your inner artist and other versions of you to help you uncover creative blocks and tend to them in the most compassionate and healing way possible. You can register here.

i hope you let you notice your creations this week, dear selflovers, i hope you get to notice your selves.