Tribute n˚201 +🌻Inner Child healing workshop🌻- Sunday Feb. 27th 7pm CET online

in 2 days, I'm turning 30 y'all.
this feels unreal and also very very real. like in my knees, very real.

during this time of the year, I always ponder about cycles, about beginnings and endings, about what's fair to call a birth day when every other day feels like a small death. sometimes in a good way, sometimes not.

the death card has been my card of the day for the last four days...

and i always come back to the discipline of softness. of what it takes for a heart to go back to love.

but some learnings lately have really helped me realise that i *can not* do this alone:

having a centered mental state is different than a fixed one. we're made of water for a reason. we need flow.

growth is uncomfortable, life is a constant process of letting go, but when we are constantly trying to avoid the discomfort of hurt, life feels like a constant lie.

self awareness, as bizarre as it sounds, is only possible through others. we get confronted to what's not resolved through encountering the other. that speaks beautifully to our infinite interconnectedness, our infinite loneliness.

this Sunday, I am offering a special inner child healing workshop.

Come join me to take care of them, they need it !

link to the workshop details HERE & link to reserve your spot HERE
as always, dear selflovers, stay safe, rebel & childlike.
