Tribute n˚205

happy Spring Equinox y’all !

we made it !

i know we just… waited but I am still so proud of us.

yesterday we welcomed Aries season, known as the Spring bearer in the northern hemisphere.

we celebrate a new year for our planet and for all of us living beings.

Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the zodiac. after the mutable water of Pisces, this mystical void where all souls are combined and truth of connection is highlighted, Aries is the transformative mutative experience of the self. water connects, it spreads until it finds connection, boundaries. fire enlightens, separates and if too close it destroys.

i know this time is so scary, and yet I hope that we get to cast spells for a better world (we really need it). in every conversation lies a possibility to build connection over shame, to share kindness over pain, to choose courage over comfort and to pass down healing over trauma. check where Aries falls in your chart to see what this season highlights for you !

I carry you all in my Pisces heart,

Stay safe & rebel,
