Tribute n˚207

hi precious one,

i hope this tribute to self love finds you well. i hope Aries season and the Aries new moon has highlighted your boldest desires, given you the courage to go after them, despite the wounds they might uncover.

Aries energy understands that to revive spring, something has to give. going after what we desire requires to give up on something, a sacrifice. to create something new, we must do something we’ve never done before. the risk might be scary, but the thought of never trying out of fear is scarier. 

that’s where intuition comes in, for me. 

if walking in the dark is scary, I’ve learned that there are certain things that can only be experienced, felt & learned in the dark.

intuition is embodied collaboration with the elements, ancestry and Spirit. 

while ‘knowing’ often gives us a sense of safety, security and control of uncertainty, intuition invites us to drop into the body, bring mind and emotions into synchronistic alignment with the heart, so that we can, beyond finding answers, ask better questions. it’s in the seeking that we get closer to our unique authenticity.

tending to our inner landscapes & finding sovereignty in liminality allows our psychic gifts and ancestral wisdom to shine through. silence & stillness can hold the void within better than any answer could. witnessing is sacred work. 

surely we are assisted. surely there are forces on our side rooting for out well-being.

But when we shift our inner gaze from me to beyond me, we realise that surrendering to our intuition can become a beautiful opening to expansive and unfathomable possibilities.

I’m so excited for your possibilities, dear self lover, and I’ll make sure to share mine.