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My Queer Relations Workshop


*an experimental workshop for Queer people to explore, discuss & reshape the ways in which we relate to ourselves & each other, despite trauma

*somatic exercises

**alone reflective time

***group discussions

What if we loved our selves so radically, such as the other feels free (to do the same)?

What if true wealth started with returning to the miraculous nature of each other?

What if we felt, deeply in our somas, how needed we are to each other?

What if we realised how much we long for belonging, safety and dignity, how much we yearn to return to each other?

Harm is a wound to our wholeness,

it convinces us that in this abundant world,

emotional and material scarcity are our lot.

We are born in each other's hands, that means we were made to hold and be held.

In the miracle of connection and belonging, can we walk each other home again?

When: Aug. 25th 2022, 6pm (2 hours)

Where: Haus der Statistik, Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, 10178 Berlin

Suggested donation: 22-44euros


This workshop is donation based, no one will be turned down because of a lack of funds. Pay Black femmes however !

You can also pay forward for someone who can not afford it at this time.